ALJ Hospital
Why choose ALJH
As our country grows and changes, so do our patients’ needs. There has been a sharp rise in sports and fitness, accompanied with increasing awareness on the value of holistic health beyond solely relying on traditional medical definitions. ALJH’s treatment encourages lifestyle changes that support long-term health rather than turning simply to “quick fixes”—both decreasing healthcare spending and avoiding unnecessary surgeries. ALJH recognizes that quality of life is just as important a metric as quantity of life; we dedicate ourselves to directing individuals towards achieving an independent and fulfilling life.
"He [AbdulLatif Jameel] didn't let anyone leave without solving their problem, he was wise when treating people. When he'd get upset with me, he would just advise me 'may God guide you'. I would tell him: 'you worked on projects all over the world; America, Egypt, Britain, and I would just like to know how?' He told me: 'honesty and trustworthiness’. We were traveling to France, Switzerland and Britain, then he told me: 'why not start an elderly home and we can go there ourselves?' All he cared about was development; he was tired thinking about it.”
Amm Ahmad,
Shaikh AbdulLatif Jameel's Personal Nurse, and current ALJH nurse.
Leaders in the Rehabilitative Industry
Patients think that they would like to walk.
HAL Robot reads neural signal through stickers on the skin.
HAL responds by moving the legs, according to the patients’ thoughts.
The brain receives feedback and relearns how to respond to neural signals.
The patient starts walking without the use of the robot.
Accessible Wellness to All
The ALJ Group always seeks sustainable ways to make necessary services, like healthcare, accessible to all. That’s why ALJ Hospital has chosen not to be a charity organization but rather a non-profit linked to the ALJ Charity Desk.
This means that patients who can afford treatment pay for themselves, enabling the hospital to invest in the best technology and caregivers available. Whereas, any patient who can provide documentation to support that they are unable to cover expenses, are redirected to the ALJ Charity Desk to possibly cover treatment costs. Some patients may also be linked with volunteers and sponsors with the help of the social work department.
As leaders in the rehabilitative industry, ALJ Hospital is always the first to introduce cutting edge technologies to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to the Middle East. Our latest addition is the Hybrid Assistive Limb [HAL] from Cyberdine, brought all the way from Japan to the Middle East by ALJH.
HAL is the world’s first cyborg-type robot. It helps patients with spinal cord injuries relearn how to walk. Here’s how it works: